Intelligent Water Network Solutions
i2O provides a range of market-leading intelligent water network solutions including Advanced Pressure Management, Network Analytics, Event Management and Data Logging.
i2O Network Analytics will:
Reduce water loss by identifying problems sooner
Enable assets to be maintained more efficiently based on condition
Identify opportunities to optimise the network
Report on network performance
- Threshold breaches, and, with i2O’s loggers, automated threshold setting
- Event detection powered by Artesia’s eVader algorithm, which uses historical data to learn a normal pattern and then checks all new data against this to raise warnings and alarms about deviations from the norm
- Data availability, which reports on devices that are not delivering data and the information that helps diagnose the cause (signal strength, battery, etc.)
- Transient detection, which uses i2O loggers’ maximum, minimum and standard deviation pressure values in each measurement interval to calculate the magnitude and frequency of pressure transients
- Network analytics is hardware agnostic. It can use data from i2O’s loggers, and can also ingest data from other manufacturers’ loggers and flowmeters, directly or indirectly.
Our innovation roadmap includes:
- PRV condition monitoring
- Further enhancements to transient detection
- Inclusion of GIS data to show key network assets
- Acoustic sensor data and analysis
- Night use analysis
Improved customer service
Reduced maintenance cost
Reduced water loss
Advanced Pressure Management
Reduce water loss using advanced pressure management
i2O Advanced Pressure Management enables clients to remotely control and automatically optimise pressure across the entire network – at PRVs and pumping stations – to minimise water loss. i2O’s dedicated patent-protected pilot valve and system control algorithms are designed specifically to optimise network pressure, without introducing burst-causing transients to the network. i2O offers a full range of control configurations including fixed downstream pressure, client-defined flow modulation, and automatic optimisation of critical point pressures including no-flow meter option. All of these can be scheduled and mixed in a daily time profile that can be set infinitely into the future so that regular and irregular events can be anticipated.

i2O Advanced Pressure Valve
i2O Advanced Pressure Management will:
Reduce bursts and customer interruptions by 40% on average
Reduce water loss by 20% on average
Optimise pressure in the network 24/7/365
Reduced network transients to calm the network
Reduce energy and operational costs
Improve customer service
- A wide range of interval and dialup configurations
- A full set of alarm functions on all data channels
- The controller gathers data that enables transient detection and PRV condition monitoring
- The ability to determine the timeframe for pressure changes to introduce changes slowly and reduce customer complaints
- Multiple failsafes
- Easy to install Control Logger and Advanced Pilot Valve
- Robust, reliable and easy to maintain – no transducer recalibration required during the lifetime of the product, batteries and SIMs can be exchanged in the field, field-upgradeable firmware, long warranty and low levels of returns
- A wide range of communication options including 2G, 3G+2G, NB-IoT+2G, and internal/external antennas
- External battery packs to extend device life and/or increase the frequency of communications
- No need for an i2O logger at the critical point because our platform can ingest data from other manufacturer’s loggers
burst detection
Remote Control:
- You decide and set your control philosophy
- Fixed outlet pressure can be precisely controlled with a minimum factor of safety
- Schedule in advance for known variations: events, intermittent supply, low pressure during drought conditions
- Implement a control curve that you have manually calculated
Automatic optimisation:
- i2O algorithms determine the optimal control philosophy for PRVs and pumps to achieve your target pressure at the critical point
- Automatically adjusted for flow-related headloss
- Adapts to changes in demand including seasonal, cultural and population growth